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Healing Frequencies

Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular system, is one of the 11 major organ systems of the human body.  It comprises of the heart, the blood vessels and the blood that flows through it.  The primary function is to transport oxygen and nutrients to…

Energy Clearing Ukraine & Russia

Note. We’re having some issues rendering the video for Youtube. File will be uploaded to Youtube when the MP4 is ready.  This protocol is an automation of an energy clearing that I have been performing daily for the last few…

CBD (Mild Dose)

This protocol is the energy field of CBD oil.  The Youtube version is a mild dose, and the advanced version is a high strength dose, regulated by your body intelligence.  CBD is said to have tremendous remedial benefits for the…

Teeth Restoration Protocol

This is a simple protocol that combines a number of energy fields, the aim of which, is to completely restore existing teeth.  The protocol will help the user rebuild enamel, whiten teeth, and may even help with gum issues.  The…

Fat Loss & Body Repair

This is the first of our weight management protocols.  Everyone wants a quick fat loss solution, however, there isn’t one which doesn’t cause some harm to the body.  We’ve energy tested this a number of times. There is no fast…

Androstenol Energy Field

This protocol is the natural energy field of the powerful pheromone known as androstenol.  This field is completely natural and not tampered with in any way.  The Youtube version is equivalent to a mild dose. The advanced version is the…

Stem Cell Experimental Energy Therapy

This file uses our waves of light energy field technology to help the body utilise stem cells in repairing itself.  I am not going to explain what stem cells are or how they are utilised by the body. This information…