Success Protocol | Force For Success
Out of the nine releases we’re doing over these nine days, this would have to be one of the most important.
When I first started looking at the energy body of peoples lives, all I’d see is suffering. Much of this is created by our unfulfilled desires. This keeps us stuck in an almost un-ending cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
Each birth, compounds the karma we accumulate, and also what we call samskaras (unfulfilled desires).
Samskaras exist as charged energy, which tends to become the drivers in our lives, and also blocks. Without samskaras and karma, we’d have no charged energy, which would mean we’d have zero motivation to do anything.
This is very important to understand. Our entire existence here, is in responding to charged energy. Everything we do is because of charged energy.
The downside to active samskaric energy, is that often times, they don’t align with the reason or purpose of our birth (Prarabdha Karma), hence, no matter how much we yearn, we find it difficult to manifest the desire in our lives. This causes frustration, and unfortunately, more negative energy that creates blocks in our lives.
When looking at the energy body of a person’s life, we see hundreds, if not thousands of energetic influences upon it. Everything from planetary energies, to that of other people who share our environment.
There are also instances, where different realms and dimensions, which share the same space, also influence our lives.
For the vast majority of people, these influences are more powerful than our own will, which results in our failure to achieve the successes we so desire in life.
Yes, life isn’t about the successes, but more about the lessons which cause an expansion of awareness, however, in this form, we’re human after all.
This protocol represents what may be the only energy in the Universe, that can provide us the help needed to succeed where the influences in our lives deem it impossible.
This is a field of energy that was shown to me by the Divine Mother herself, hence why it’s so important to release it whilst her energies are so strong on Earth right now.
You can seek and achieve success in almost any task with the help of this energy.
To use this protocol, you meditate with the file playing, focusing on any form of the Divine Mother. You can choose any form from whatever religion you follow. You can also just focus on Source. You can even just refer to her as the Divine Mother. She is the source of all creation. If you refer to her as the Divine Mother, then, that is the form she will take.
This energy is still new to us as well, and so, we’re still exploring its possibilities. So far, I see no limitations.
We highly recommend playing this file 2 – 3 times a day, preferably at a time when you can be alone and sit in silence with only the file playing. Aim to connect with the consciousness of the Divine Mother and seek guidance, or simply, share with the energy field your dreams and desires and ask for the energy field to help you achieve success.
Our advanced version of this protocol is maximised at just over 740% in potency and as high as we could go in intelligence.
I’d like to stress the importance of applying effort in what you are trying to achieve and using this energy to help you succeed. It will help break the limitations.
The energy compounds, so it is advisable to use it daily for a few months to achieve your desired goal.
The purpose of this file is to give you the possibility to achieve that which has been unachievable for you. Use it wisely.
All the best!