Jai Shree Ram {rAma} Energised 324x
Something dramatic has happened on the planet.
For those of you up-to-date with the happenings of the world, a temple was built, opened, and consecrated, in India, on the 22nd of January.
The temple is dedicated to God Ram. Ram is a God in Sanatan Dharma.
So, why does this hold so much spiritual significance to the rest of the world?
If you’ve been reading our articles, you would have read our writings about how religions function on Earth.
Most religions are solar system or galaxy level.
The vibration of Ram, however, isn’t sourced at the solar system or galaxy level. It comes from the Universe / Multiverse level.
Here is a little back story.
The entire body of the Universe is known as MahaVishnu. MahaVishnu sustains the entire universe. I can’t say multiverse at this stage because I haven’t reached a level of awareness that permits me access to the multiverse. (Am working on it!).
MahaVishnu takes many forms in its role as the sustainer of the Universe. One such form is that of Ram.
Ram is not just a God. Ram is a powerful vibration. A force that resides in all of us.
When we speak of the blueprint of the divine masculine that comes from Source, we’re essentially speaking about Ram.
Ram is the personal masculine aspect of divinity.
He is the vibration of the divine masculine in everything that exists. This is true, regardless of your religious beliefs. This is within the realm of spirituality, beyond Earth level religion.
In our articles, you would have read about the imbalance in the world right now, due to the dualistic nature of this century, beginning with the number 2.
This is why the consecration of the God Ram temple in India, is of great significance to the entire world.
We’ve been eagerly observing the energetic influence upon the world since the 22nd.
This is what we’ve observed.
This consecration has brought and permanently anchored one of the highest vibrations of the divine masculine on Earth.
It will have a positive impact on all beings on Earth. It will help balance the masculine and feminine energies in all of us, plus, within nature as well.
The ‘Ram’ vibration is the core vibration of the solar plexus. This is where our core power comes from. Which this anchoring, our solar plexus will be energised as well.
And so we come to the purpose of this protocol.
After observing the affect of this consecration on this Earth, we’re releasing a protocol that will help everyone, who works with it, to harness this power for a great many things in their lives.
The protocol is the energy field of the powerful mantra ‘Jai Shree Ram’.
The Youtube version contains the block of energy equivalent to 324x repetitions of the mantra energised.
The mantra is a complete vibration where ‘Jai’ is a salutation, ‘Shree’ represents the divine feminine, and ‘Ram’ is the divine masculine.
Combining the three words, is essentially the vibration of one of the highest forms of the divine masculine and divine feminine together.
This energy, brings a person into balance.
They energise and awaken the pathway from the solar plexus to the heart chakra.
Its power is such, that chanting the mantra, or being in its presence can dissolve one’s karma.
Regular meditation with it can skyrocket a person’s spiritual evolution.
It is believed that this vibration can also help heal the body and mind, and relieve a person from their suffering.
Since its vibration is so high, it will clear the space of all negative energies or negative entities.
There are so many more benefits to this energy. Meditate with it and discover them for yourself.
The advanced version is the energy output equivalent to 3024x repetitions of the mantra + contains a separate energy field of the ‘Ram’ vibration, by itself.
You may meditate with it.
Use it to raise the vibration of your space.
Energise food and water.
Energise your solar plexus and heart chakra, and the pathway in-between.
You can ask the energy questions and receive answers.
Playing once or twice is more than enough per meditation session.
Stay blessed!