Transmute all negativity into positivity | Mantra Energy Series
Mantra: ‘Ek Ong Kar, Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad, Ek Ong Kar’
I’ve been using and energy testing this file for the last 2 weeks, and in this time, it has quickly become my favourite daily meditation audio.
Mantra energies are fairly easily to replicate, because their energy signatures are easily defined.
This one, however, has taken me a very long time to get to a point where I am happy with the energy output in the released file. The reason for this is that this mantra has no singular energy signature.
It is said to be the living energy of the divine wisdom, the essence of which, is contained in the holy book of the Sikh religion, the Guru Granth Sahib.
The Guru Granth Sahib, is considered to be the final, and eternal living Guru.
And this beautiful mantra, sums up the entire divine wisdom, as passed down from the divine Guru to the people.
First the translation:
“The Creator and we are one, I know this by the grace of the true Guru, I know this by the grace of the true Guru, the Creator and we are one”.
This mantra has the some effect of having a living divine Guru, who guides you consciously, to complete awareness of Source.
It is said, and I have personally tested this, that by chanting the mantra just five times, with reverence, will stop all negative thought and thought processes in the mind, dead in its tracks.
The power of the mantra is so intense, that it begins transmuting absolutely EVERYTHING negative, into positive energies, immediately.
This includes circumstances, our thoughts, feelings, habits, emotions, even the state of our health.
As with all of the protocols in the Mantra Energy Series, the Youtube versions are the energy output equivalent of 108x recitations of the mantra.
Our Advanced version is the energy output equivalent of 1008x recitations of the mantra.
Note. Anyone of any religious beliefs can use this file. This is the energy output of the mantra. Plus, this energy is the Grace of the Guru, of the ONE creator. So, if you are Christian, you can see the Guru to be Christ. If you are Muslim, you can see the Guru to be Mohammed, or Allah himself, and if you’re Hindu, you can see the Guru to be Jagat Guru Lord Krishna, or the Guru Granth Sahib.
There is only one requirement in using this file. I have taken special permission from the living energy of the Guru Granth Sahib to produce this file. So, as is required when chanting the actual mantra, I ask that you use this file with reverence for what the essence of the Mantra is, which is the living divine wisdom of the Guru.
Do not use this file passively!
Instead, meditate with this file. As you do, all negative energies will transmute into divine positive energies.
For this reason, I recommend playing this file through speakers as you meditate. This way, all of the energies that surround you will also be transmuted.
You may play this file 1 – 3 times during your meditation session.
After your meditation session, spend some time picturing the life you want to live, including that which you desire to manifest in your life, as this energy will heighten your manifestation powers tremendously for many hours.
Don’t worry too much about negative thoughts, as the energies will transmute it into positive thoughts.
For serious practitioners, you will really love this file. The first time I listened to this file, I experienced the same effects as practicing Vipassana for 10 days.
Stay blessed!