Balance Planetary Energies Daily In Under 1 minute
(9 + 6 Energy Fields)
A human life is extremely complex, and for those on a spiritual journey of self awareness, even more so.
Souled beings are thrust into physical bodies, with limited capacities, in a state of complete ignorance, cut off from any and all awareness of the true self.
We’re constantly at the mercy of regulating authorities called planetary bodies, that transit through the night sky increasing or decreasing their energetic influences that affect every area of our lives.
When life’s happenings make no sense to us, we’re told it is because of our own karma from past lives, which we don’t remember, but are responsible for.
Does this make any sense to you? I’d bet your answer would be no.
From my standpoint of seeing the energy, unfortunately, this is all true.
The Universe tells me that when we depart from this life, we remember everything. We get the opportunity to review what we’ve experienced in our time living as a human being, in character. Then, we decide what other experiences we want to have, what other lessons we want to learn, and when we’d like to have them.
The planets help us to have these experiences. It is with the Sun’s permission that we are allowed to take human form, and have these experiences here on Earth.
Eventually, the Soul has experienced everything there is to experience, and wishes to free itself from the karmic burdens these desired experiences have created.
This is when the true journey of awareness begins.
This is when we begin to realise that we can make changes to our lives, consciously, which free’s us from the influence of the planets.
We can be more conscious with our thoughts, behaviours, and actions, which can in-turn regulate the influence, or extent of influence of the planets, on all areas of our lives.
Here are some suggestions:
- Consciously foster a deeper awareness of your self. This should include how you think, how to speak to other people around you, and how your presence affects your environment.
- Observe how you communicate with others, both verbal and written.
- Audit your diet. The foods you consume also activate planetary influence.
- Audit your habits. Be honest with yourself here. Consider everything from the time you awaken and get out of bed, to making your bed, the way you dress, etc.
For the next 40 days, if you follow our guidance below, whilst you use this protocol we’re about to explain, you will change your life. The impact will happen on all 12 houses of your natal chart.
- Wake up early – waking up earlier in the morning balances your South Node of Moon. If you already wake up early, try 10 minutes earlier.
- Establish a habit of neatly making your bed, every morning. Make this a ritual. It will help your Venus.
- Shower every morning. When we sleep at night, we’re in a state of ignorance. We need to wash this energy off after we awaken.
- Wear clean clothes everyday. Make sure you take pride in your appearance by dressing well. Use perfume / cologne. Comb your hair. Point 2, 3 and 4 will help nourish your Venus.
- If you follow the above, you should have some free time in the morning, before you begin your day. Use some of this time (5 – 10 minutes), before or after you meditate with any of the protocols, to read something spiritual. If you are religious or follow a particular religion, read a few pages from your sacred text. This will so profoundly help your Jupiter, and your 9th house.
- Take pride in what you feed your body. Cut out all junk food, all sugary foods, limit processed foods, reduce spicy foods, and increase your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure to also increase fresh water intake to 2 – 2.5litres. It you eat out a lot, try to increase consuming more home cooked meals.
- Engage in some kind of daily exercise. At least for 10 – 20 minutes. This can even be a brisk walk after dinner. Point 6 and 7 will nourish your 1st house.
- When you speak, choose your words and tone carefully. Before you speak, stop for a few seconds. Think about your words before you say them. This is taking into consideration the energy you release into this world. When you write, spell out all of the words. Use proper sentence structure. Break your writing up into paragraphs. Even if you’re texting someone, write full words.
- Dramatically limit your exposure to social media. Excessive use is damaging your 3rd house, and your Mercury. This will disturb your subconscious mind. You need to become consciously aware of how much unnecessary information your expose your subconscious to every day. This dramatically reduces your ability to manifest through your subconscious mind. Paying heed to point(s) 8 and 9 will help nourish your Mercury and your subconscious mind. Distance yourself from everything that is unnecessary.
- Tying in with point 9, don’t spread negativity. Do not write anything negative anywhere online. Do not argue. Do not troll people. Do not click dislike buttons either. By doing this, you’re leaving an anchor to negative energy. You place your energy signature there permanently. You damage your Mercury by doing this, whilst also inflaming your North Node(Rahu). If you do not like something you see online, just move away. Do not react.
- Refrain from stealing, lying, cheating anyone, etc.
- Treat everyone around you, regardless of their status, with respect. I am referring specifically to people that you believe are a lower status / class than yourself. Point(s) 11 and 12 will help stabilise your Saturn.
- Lastly, take pride in your work, in your studies, and engage in hard work if necessary. Try not to take shortcuts. A lot of times, the Universe puts you on the longer harder pathway, to enhance your expertise in the subject matter. Mentally process this as an opportunity to become better. When you do this, the planets back off.
- Not tied to the above, however, we highly recommend daily meditation with the Hanuman Chalisa and Surya the King protocol. These two will impact on pretty much all planetary influences in your life.
If you can make these minor life changes in how you live, you’ll be able to make major changes in how the Universe responds to you, in all areas of your life.
Now, to the protocol we’re releasing.
This is somewhat of a bold protocol, which includes a total of 15 energy fields, that regulate planetary energies within your physical and energy bodies, all under 60 seconds.
These cover the nine planets in Vedic Astrology, including the Sun, plus, transit combinations.
This protocol is designed to be used every morning, as the Sun rises. You only need to play it once every morning, consciously.
These energy fields work in unison to remove or at least, lessen, the malefic influence of the negative planets in your natal charts, and their transits.
I know someone will ask about the difference between this and the planetary related protocols already on the channel. The answer is that this protocol’s main purpose is to nullify or dramatically reduce the malefic impact of planetary transits.
Look at our lives as a massive electricity circuit, with lots of smaller circuits within them. As the planets transit, they complete many smaller circuits that can cause havoc on our lives.
These 15 fields will help balance the planetary triggers that happen during transits, which will help to nullify the smaller circuits to help us smooth out our daily lives.
We highly recommend you take out 1 minute each morning to play this protocol and absorb these energy fields, which will balance the planetary energies in your vibration, for the day.
These energy fields will not only lessen the impact of malefic transits, but will enhance the benefic energies.
There is also a protection shield added.
We do have an advanced protocol for $8. We have the same 15 fields in this protocol, however, each one is at its maximum potency. They vary from 150% to about 430% strength.
Try to play this through speakers to expose your entire vibration to the energy fields.
Take deep breaths to inhale the energies. Practice some gratitude, then go about your day. That is all.