Enhance Business Results
This protocol is specifically for business owners. It can be any type of business, including online and offline businesses. It can be a brick and mortar business, or something online.
We’re calling this experimental, because it’s a unique energy, and we’re intrigued about the various types of businesses that will be able to utilise this energy.
This is a pure energy field, and specific in the size of the block of energy. This is what makes it unique. The energy field is only active when a specific amount of this energy field is present. A little more or a little less, makes it idle.
We’ve also noticed that the consciousness level of this field of energy is constant. It cannot be heightened.
When it is active, it duplicates business activity. In short, increasing the volume potential of results. By this, I mean more potential customers.
We discovered this energy field when investigating the energetic blueprint of successful businesses.
This energy field is also numerologicaly linked to the number seven, hence why we’ve chosen a musical track that runs for seven minutes.
Now to the use of this protocol.
Every morning, before you open for business or begin your day, sit somewhere quiet and comfortable, with the audio device placed in front of you.
Note. If your business activity happens at night, then, you can listen at night, before your business activity begins, otherwise, do this in the morning.
Sit in silence for a few seconds, breathing in deeply a few times. Calm the body and mind.
Then, turn the protocol on, close your eyes and sit in silence for seven minutes. Focus only on your breath, as if you’re breathing in this energy.
Play this file only once per day, in the morning. Playing it more times will add to the amount of energy, so try to play it only once per day, sitting consciously whilst it is playing.
It has a light golden tinge to it, so, you can imagine this golden energy flowing into your nostrils as you breath in deeply. This part isn’t mandatory.
Once the music stops, continue sitting for a minute or so. Then, go about your day.
You can further enhance your results by imagining an increased number of customers coming into your store, website, channel, etc.
Its main purpose is increased activity. Focus on this, however it can relate to whatever your business is, or does.
Follow through with this for a minimum of 28 days. You should be able to begin seeing this increased activity within 3 – 7 days.
We are releasing this now to coincide with the full moon on the 1st of August, 2023. Your mind will be fully receptive to this energy on this day. You do not need to start then, but why not if we can also utilise the energy of the full moon, right?
Try to utilise this for a full moon cycle, hence the minimum of 28 days. You do not have to count the days. Just try to work with this for at least 30 days, whilst being observant of how your business performs during this time. If it helps your business grow, great, continue using it daily. If not, then you can stop after the 30 day mark.
Again, the full moon bit isn’t mandatory, but it helps to use whatever boosters are available to us.
There is no advanced version, as we’ve mentioned above, this energy field is only active when a specific amount of the energy is present.
All the best!