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Spiritual Techniques

Mind / Affirmation Mechaniser 

The Mind / Affirmation Mechaniser, is a combination energy field protocol to supercharge affirmations we recite, by firstly activating influence over the speech and thought areas of the brain, energising it, then feeding it directly into the universal grid. 

Sound complicated? It is. It has taken us over a year to get this combination of energy fields to work in unison. 

So, how does it work?

When we sit in a conscious state, our brain and mind process thousands of bits of information, per second. So, when you recite an affirmation, only a small portion of importance is given to whatever is being said. 

Normally, you will need to combine words with emotions and visualisations to get the subconscious and superconscious to take notice. If you manage to do this correctly, you then need to deal with the resistance that rise up. 

Using this protocol, the energy fields light up the speech and thought areas of your brain, highly prioritising every bit of information (affirmation) that is flowing through this area. The output is then energised and fed into the superconsciousness (Universal Grid). 

This protocol is being called a ‘Mechaniser’, as it establishes energetic mechanics to create a link between you, pure universal energy, and the universal grid. 

So, how do you use it? 

First, start off by deciding what you would like to affirm. Work on one subject matter at a time. It helps to select something you truly want and are invested into manifesting. 

Now, draft around one dozen affirmation statements, that relate to your desire having come to completion. 

Once you’re happy with the list you gave created, play this protocol using speakers, take a few deep breaths, then, recite these affirmations with confidence, believing this as being your new reality. 

Keep repeating these affirmations for the duration of the file playing. When the file stops, take a few more deep breaths, then go about your day as per normal. 

That is all. Don’t think about it anymore. Don’t bother. Don’t even wonder about how this may happen. Just accept that it is done. 

We recommend to do this twice a day for between 7 – 21 days. Then, let it go. When 21 days has been reached and your desire hasn’t manifested, just know that you have fed enough energy into the universal grid, for this to be a reality at some point in your existence. After this time, you can move onto creating another list of affirmations to work with, for a different area of life or subject matter. 

The speed of manifestation will depend on how realistic or how ridiculous your desire is. Please make it realistic. If your goal is large, break it down. This will help you manifest quicker. This will help build your confidence in your own ability to manifest. 

This protocol only works when you consciously recite affirmations whilst the protocol is playing. It is not for recorded subliminals. Your conscious involvement is key. It only activates influence over the speech and thought areas of the brain in real time, and for the duration of the protocol playing only. 

You do not need to worry about your own negative thoughts. This only works on the affirmations you recite. You do not need to recite aloud. You can recite it softly. 

It is a simple process, and if done properly, it will absolutely supercharge the energy of your affirmations. During testing phase, we noticed the supercharging of each affirmation ranged from 30 – 80x in the Youtube version, and between 480 – 1200x the advanced version

The range depended on the person and their level of conscious focus. We discovered that the level of their investment in their desire made the difference. For this reason, please ensure that you truly do desire what you’re affirming. 

That is all. 

Spirituality Zone articles are a joint collaboration of multiple authors of different backgrounds and specialities.