Purge 2022 & Cleanse 2023
It’s that time of year again, where we release our annual clearing protocol.
This year, we’re performing clearings of three layers simultaneously.
The first layer clearing is of all your physical and subtle bodies, as pertaining to all of your interactions in the year 2022.
The second layer is a clearing of all energies within the body of energy of the year 2022, that is personal to you.
This may sound confusing. It means, that this isn’t a general cleanse of the year 2022, but, of the year that you’ve personally experienced. So, the clearing that each person has will be unique to them.
The third layer is a clearing of the energy body of the year 2023 that you are about to experience.
So, what are we clearing?
We’re purging all negative energies from all experiences you’ve had, including emotions, feelings, thoughts, nullifying the active energies of all bad experiences, so they no longer impact on your life.
Your aura, all subtle bodies, organs and both conscious and subconscious minds are flushed clean.
We’re also purging all attachments and entities that have onboarded as a result of your experiences in the year 2022.
The conscious and subconscious minds will be purged of all negative or self limiting programming that you may have onboarded as a result of 2022 experiences.
All cords connected to any of your bodies in the year 2022 will be severed.
As always, we’re removing specific vibrations of anger, jealously, envy, the evil eye, all sadness, fear and hate.
As with last year, we’ve included clearings of energies related to issues and frustrations as a result of all global happenings, including the pandemic and vaccines.
All cleared space is filled with the divine love of source, happiness, joy, self love, luck and a full re-connection to your higher self and the soul.
We recommend using the file 1 – 2 times a day for 1 – 3 days. You can use it daily if you feel the need to it. However, a few listens will be enough for most people to purge everything.
Each experience will be different, so be prepared for emotions to surface. Stay in observer mode, allowing the emotions to be cleared.
Please drink at least 2 litres of water a day when doing clears, watch your diet, and give the body plenty of rest.
It is always a good idea, following a clearing like this, to spend some quiet time in contemplation of your goals for 2023. You’ll be walking into 2023 with a much clearer slate.
On behalf of the team here at Spirituality Zone, we’d like to wish you and your loved ones, a Happy New Year.