Become Famous & Influential
We receive regular request for specific protocols. One such request involved the production a protocol that replicates the energy field of a powerful ‘Vashikaran’ type of mantra.
This is a type of mantra, the energy of which is used to gain control of a person’s mind, different situations, or even control the person’s soul.
The purpose this person had in mind was to become a famous social media influencer.
At SZ, we don’t condone or recommend the use of these types of mantras or methods, as they tend to have karmic repercussions, however, it did peak our curiosity into the energies that might be at play behind the fame and success of some social media influencers who have millions of subscribers, or celebrities, and even different companies.
This inquiry went beyond astrology, numerology, and even black magic that is so often used in these situations. Before you ask, yes, we do see the energy of black magic at play in way too many situations. There are even entities involved in a lot of instances.
We wanted to see, if there is a common energy at play, in situations where the above wasn’t involved.
What we found, is the basis of this protocol. It is an energy field that pours a tremendous amount of energy into your vibration, through your third eye chakra.
As I type this, the energy is telling me that it is what makes you ‘a shining star’.
There are multiple levels to this, and so, the advanced protocols also works on the perception of people towards you or the company / brand, etc.
This protocol can be used by anyone, for any purpose that involves gaining fame, if that is what you seek. This involves individuals, companies, brands, etc.
Meditate with this protocol playing, focusing on your third eye chakra, or the Ajna chakra region. Slow down your breathing. Sit still, just focusing on the third eye and nothing else.
After the protocol has stopped playing, spend a few minutes imagining the fame that you seek, in the manner in which you seek it. If it’s for a company, brand or product, think about the fame it receives.
The advanced version, includes another layer, which establishes a ‘perceived’ reality, which is normal for celebrity / social media like fame. Essentially, this type of fame, has a separate energy body. For most people, this energy body isn’t able to raise enough energy to become magnetic, hence they don’t get the sought of fame they are seeking.
With continued use, this protocol will raise the levels of energy required for you to become famous and influential.
This is not an attraction energy. What makes this energy unique is that it is the force that builds fame, regardless of other influences like destiny, planets, etc.
A word of caution to do with fame – be aware of exactly what you want, and be sure that the attention that comes with it, is what you want. For more spiritually inclined people, fame can be draining on your energy. If you decide to work with this protocol, then remember to shield yourself daily.
All the best!