Restore Inner Masculinity & Restore Inner Femininity (Separate Protocols)
Note. The ‘Restore Inner Masculinity’ is for biological males, and the ‘Restore Inner Femininity’ protocol is for biological females. It will not change your gender or biology. Its purpose is explained below.
Human existence, or existence here on Earth, from what I can gather from soul journeys, is somewhat of a unique experience.
Not only are we subject to the laws of karma, regulated by the movement of planetary bodies, there are other external energies that tremendously affect our lives.
Many aren’t aware of the other external energies at play.
These external energies have the power and potential to become significant drivers in our lives, especially on a macro level.
One such major influence is the energy of the ‘century’ that we are living in.
At the turn of the century, we entered into the next hundred years, that begin with the number ‘2’, followed by a zero. So, the number two and the zero, and its combined energies will be the primary driving influence of this century.
The energy of the number two is a strong feminine energy. When this is combined with the disrupted energy of the zero, it gives adverse effects. We all know what happened to the world in the year 2020. It was a double whammy.
What does the influence of the number 2 and 0 mean for us.
In this century, you will see the feminine energy (disrupted due to the influence of the ‘0’) enforce its influence into everything – in all areas of our lives.
You will notice that a large majority of people, male and female, born from the year 2000 onwards, are more feminine in nature.
The negative influences aren’t limited to the nature of the people born in this century.
The energy affects the rest of us, born prior to the year 2000, through changes in our food, changes in society – the way the masses think, our daily habits, the processes we employ in how we live / work, etc.
The food we consume, is overly processed, hormones are used, and this in-turn, causes hormonal problems, in particular, resulting in an excess of estrogen production in our bodies.
These physiological changes affects our emotions, the way we think, the way we behave, which then filters its way into how society functions, and so forth. This creates energetic disturbance, not only within us, but in our environment as well.
When we’re in a constant state of energetic disturbance, we lose our inner connection to the driving energy of our gender, in this lifetime.
For men, we lose our masculinity, and for women, they lose their femininity.
Why is this important to understand?
When we lose our masculinity or femininity, the energetic disturbance causes us to struggle mentally, physically, emotionally. We become more susceptible to external energies. The suffering increases.
Since we can’t change the world around us, we can attempt to restore our inner masculinity or femininity, respectively.
We’re releasing two protocols. One for men, and another for women. Both these protocols are energy fields of the original blueprint of masculinity for men, and femininity for women.
The protocol(s) work to restore a man’s inner masculinity, and a woman’s inner femininity, physically, emotionally and mentally. It will also help to establish hormonal balance, establish a balanced mind, and establish equilibrium within.
As you work with these energy fields, you’ll notice that you begin to feel more complete within, more confident in being yourself, less afflicted by the world around you, have less of a need to please or chase after others, etc.
I know someone will ask ‘If I’m a man, what will happen if I listen to the femininity protocol’. The short answer is most likely nothing. Since these are natural fields of energy, they work with your natural biology.
As with all our protocols, work with these energy fields. You do not need to meditate with these, however, you can do so, to actively guide the energies to images of how you want to be as a man or a woman.
Otherwise, play the protocol 1 – 3 times, per session, and breathe in the energy. Feel it absorbing into your body.
Play through speakers.
We have advanced versions for both these protocols. Both are about 500% the potency of the Youtube versions.