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Healing Frequencies

Reverse the Aging Process of the Body

This protocol replicates the energy field of the exact aging process of the human body.  The only difference is that it works with the body’s intelligence, to reverse the deterioration of the body back to how the body was in…

Rules in the use of the advanced versions

I’ve been forced to make some changes to how the advanced versions are used, as there are far too many people that have been abusing the use of these files.  Unfortunately, many of them don’t see anything wrong in their…

Reselling Advanced File(s) Warning!

It has been brought to my attention that there are some idiots reselling my advanced files. I can’t believe that I am having to issue this warning to educate the buyers and sellers of the consequences in the buying and…

Excessive Masturbation Damage Repair

(This protocol has been designed for use by both men and women). Excessive masturbation can and does cause long term organ damage, as well as, result in psychological and physiological issues.  For many, the nerve and psychological damage alone can…

Height Growth Protocol

This is a simple protocol that mimics the body’s own growth processes, including increasing HGH release. This is as natural as It can get.  Note. We still recommend adding the use of our stand alone HGH file to significantly increase…

Hair Regrowth Phase 3

This protocol is the third and final release of our hair regrowth series.  Phase 1 prepares the scalp, including healing capillaries that deliver nutrients to your follicles.  Phase 2 activates and enlivens the follicles, whilst clearing the DHT from the…

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Megadose

DHT is an androgen, a sex hormone, that is responsible for a man’s sexual characteristics.  The amount of DHT in the body correlates with how much Testosterone and 5-alpha reductase is in the body.  This protocol replicates the energy field…

Heal, Repair, Restore Lungs + Increase Capacity

This file is to be used in conjunction with the ‘Respiratory System’ file.  This formulation works specifically to heal, repair and restore complete lung function, including increasing the capacity of the lungs.  It is designed to restore lung function back…