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Author: Spirituality Zone

Purge / Clear Negative Thought Loops

The Buddha once said that human life is suffering. When you embark on the spiritual journey, you quickly realise that truer words were never spoken.  So, we begin the mammoth task of healing the suffering, through various spiritual practices.  The…

Daily Clearing Protocol 

This is a simple, yet, extremely important protocol, that should be used daily by everyone.  2022, brought with it more complexity in the energies that we have to comprehend with. Add to this, all of the online social media interactions,…

Remove Unhappiness

We humans are extremely complex beings, with many many layers to our existence.  From my experience working with the energy of people, I would say that a persons consciousness, is only about 1% of their entire human existence.  The backend…

Awaken Extreme Drive

A lot has changed in the Earth’s energy grids in the last few years. One of the major changes is the depletion of the energy that gives humanity the ‘drive’ to succeed.  This protocol is an attempt at responding to…

Total Peace – Body & Mind | Energy Protocol

This powerful protocol utilises the energy signature of peace, to establish its energy field over the energy fields of your mind and body.  The Youtube version will calm the mind and the overall body.  We recommend sitting in complete silence…

Eradicate Sin | Yogic Practice Energised

In International Law, we have a latin term - Jus Cogens, which refers to certain fundamental principles, from which no derogation is permitted. Genocide is one such example.  Similarly, we have karma, and then we have what various religions call…

Success Protocol | Force For Success

Out of the nine releases we’re doing over these nine days, this would have to be one of the most important. When I first started looking at the energy body of peoples lives, all I’d see is suffering. Much of…

Remove Mental Darkness | Energy Protocol

Ever hear the saying ‘You are your greatest enemy’? This is especially true when it comes to mental darkness. This singular energy field removes mental darkness and everything associated it with, including psychological problems.  It will help with any form…