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Spiritual Techniques

The Vibrations Of Saturn

At Spirituality Zone, we tend to speak a great deal about planetary influences upon our lives. These planetary influences are regulated through meridians in our bodies, that are activated via the movements of these heavenly bodies in the sky around the Earth and Sun. 

These tie in with the positioning of the planets, at the exact time of our births, which then determine what we refer to as ‘Prarabdha Karma’, that is, the unique set of experiences we will have in our lives. 

We then set forth on a life long journey to awaken from duality, into consciousness, then transform that consciousness into awareness.

In reality, this is the purpose of this prarabdha karma. To awaken us. 

Throughout this journey, the planets remain our true companions, either encouraging our movements, or forcing us to course correct. 

At any given time, different planets are more or less dominant in our lives. 

For example, at night, the Moon, its nodes, Saturn and Mars tend to be more active. During the day, the Sun and other planets are more active. 

At different hours of each day, different planets take turns being active. (This will be explained in more detail in a separate article).

In the same way, different planets become the dominant influences upon different years. 

In 2022, it was the Moon. 

In 2023, Saturn is the dominant influence in our lives. This means, that whichever house Saturn sits in our natal charts, whichever house Saturn is transiting through presently, and the houses in which the zodiacs Capricorn and Aquarius reside in, will become active, and so, the energies of those houses and inherent karma will dominate our lives in 2023. 

Let’s get to know a little more about Saturn and what this means for you. 

The Planet Saturn in Vedic Astrology

Saturn is a gas giant planet that is known for its distinct rings and slow orbit around the sun. In Vedic Astrology, Saturn is considered a malefic planet, meaning it is associated with challenges, hard work, and struggles. However, it is also believed to bring discipline and structure, as well as the potential for material success.

In Vedic Astrology, the position of Saturn in a person’s birth chart is said to indicate their most significant karma, or the actions and consequences of their past lives. Saturn is associated with the karmic lessons that an individual must learn and the challenges they must overcome in this lifetime. It is also believed to influence an individual’s sense of responsibility and their ability to work hard and persevere through difficult circumstances.

Saturn is considered the ruler of the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius, and is said to have a strong influence on these signs, and the houses these signs occupy in your natal charts. People who have Saturn prominently placed in their birth chart are often hardworking, disciplined, and responsible, but may also struggle with feelings of insecurity and fear of failure.

One of the most significant astrological events involving Saturn is the Saturn Return, which occurs when Saturn returns to the same place in the sky as it was at the time of a person’s birth. This usually occurs around the ages of 27-30 and again at 57-60. The Saturn Return is often a time of significant change and transformation, as it marks a new phase of life and the completion of one karmic cycle. It can bring challenges and tests, but also the opportunity for personal growth and the realisation of long-term goals.

Saturn is also associated with the concept of dharma, or one’s moral and spiritual duty in life. It is believed to influence an individual’s sense of purpose and their ability to fulfil their dharma. 

In a positive light, Saturn can bring a sense of stability and purpose, but in a negative light, it can bring feelings of isolation and a sense of being weighed down by responsibilities.

One of the negative effects of Saturn can be feelings of fear and insecurity, as it is associated with loss and challenges. However, it is important to remember that these challenges are ultimately opportunities for personal growth and the realisation of one’s full potential.

Saturn in the 12 Houses of a Natal Chart in Vedic Astrology

When Saturn is present in a particular house of the birth chart, it can have a significant impact on the various areas of a person’s life represented by that house. Here is a brief overview of the effects of Saturn in the 12 houses of the birth chart according to Vedic astrology:

1st House (Ascendant): Saturn in the first house can indicate a delay in marriage or a difficult married life. It can also indicate a person who is serious, responsible, and hardworking, but may struggle with low self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy.

2nd House: Saturn in the second house can indicate financial struggles or a need to work hard for financial stability. It can also indicate a person who is careful with their money and not prone to extravagance.

3rd House: Saturn in the third house can indicate challenges in communication and relationships with siblings. It can also indicate a person who is disciplined and hardworking, but may have a tendency towards pessimism or negativity.

4th House: Saturn in the fourth house can indicate challenges in the home environment or with domestic matters. It can also indicate a person who is responsible and reliable, but may have a fear of change or insecurity about their home life.

5th House: Saturn in the fifth house can indicate challenges in matters of love, romance, and creativity. It can also indicate a person who is disciplined and hardworking, but may struggle with self-expression or have a tendency towards conservatism.

6th House: Saturn in the sixth house can indicate health challenges or a need to work hard in order to maintain good health. It can also indicate a person who is responsible and reliable, but may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or insecurity in their job or career.

7th House: Saturn in the seventh house can indicate challenges in relationships and marriage. It can also indicate a person who is responsible and reliable, but may have a tendency towards being rigid or inflexible in their relationships.

8th House: Saturn in the eighth house can indicate challenges with joint finances, inheritance, or emotional depth. It can also indicate a person who is responsible and reliable, but may struggle with feelings of insecurity or fear.

9th House: Saturn in the ninth house can indicate challenges in matters of higher learning, spirituality, and long distance travel. It can also indicate a person who is disciplined and hardworking, but may struggle with a lack of flexibility or an overly rigid worldview.

10th House: Saturn in the tenth house can indicate challenges in career and public reputation. It can also indicate a person who is responsible and reliable, but may have a tendency towards being overly critical or perfectionistic.

11th House: Saturn in the eleventh house can indicate challenges in matters of friendship and social connections. It can also indicate a person who is responsible and reliable, but may struggle with feelings of loneliness or isolation.

12th House: Saturn in the twelfth house can indicate challenges in matters of spiritual growth and self-understanding. It can also indicate a person who is disciplined and hardworking, but may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or insecurity.

Overall, Saturn in any of the houses of the birth chart can indicate a need for discipline, hard work, and responsibility in the areas of life represented by that house. It can also indicate challenges and struggles, but also a strong sense of reliability and dependability.

  1. Saturn in the 1st house: To alleviate the negative effects of Saturn in the 1st house, you can recite the mantra “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” daily, or donate black sesame seeds on Saturdays.
  2. Saturn in the 2nd house: To offset the challenges of Saturn in the 2nd house, you can recite Saturn mantras and donate black clothes or blankets to the poor and needy on Saturdays.
  3. Saturn in the 3rd house: To mitigate the difficulties of Saturn in the 3rd house, you can recite Saturn mantras and donate iron objects, such as a rolling pin or a grater, on Saturdays.
  4. Saturn in the 4th house: To alleviate the negative effects of Saturn in the 4th house, you can recite Saturn mantras and donate black lentils on Saturdays.
  5. Saturn in the 5th house: To offset the challenges of Saturn in the 5th house, you can recite Saturn mantras and donate black sesame seeds on Saturdays.
  6. Saturn in the 6th house: To mitigate the difficulties of Saturn in the 6th house, you can recite Saturn mantras and donate iron objects on Saturdays.
  7. Saturn in the 7th house: To alleviate the negative effects of Saturn in the 7th house, you can recite Saturn mantras and donate black lentils on Saturdays.
  8. Saturn in the 8th house: To offset the challenges of Saturn in the 8th house, you can recite the Saturn mantras and donate iron objects on Saturdays.
  9. Saturn in the 9th house: To mitigate the difficulties of Saturn in the 9th house, you can recite Saturn mantras and donate black sesame seeds on Saturdays.
  10. Saturn in the 10th house: To alleviate the negative effects of Saturn in the 10th house, you can recite Saturn mantras and donate iron objects on Saturdays.
  11. Saturn in the 11th house: To offset the challenges of Saturn in the 11th house, you can recite Saturn mantras and donate black lentils on Saturdays.
  12. Saturn in the 12th house: To mitigate the difficulties of Saturn in the 12th house, you can recite Saturn mantras and donate black sesame seeds on Saturdays.

We’ll touch upon some of the common mantras to use below. 

In regards to the act of giving / donating, the idea is to give away the energies of Saturn, as represented by the materials as outlined for the various houses, which help lessen the burden of Saturn’s malefic energies, within your own vibration. It is always wise to given to people who are lesser off than oneself. Many will have difficulty finding and donation black lentils or sesame seeds, so, one can donate blankets or food to the needy. 

Rules for donations:

These aren’t strict rules, however, we’ve seen how the energies work when the rules are followed. 

Do not donate and claim on tax. If you’re getting a benefit from your donation, then Saturn doesn’t see it as a true donation. 

Do not boast about it to others. Your donation is a sacrifice that you’re doing to genuinely help someone in need. The majority of our donations are anonymous. 

You do not need to donate large amounts of goods or money. Saturn is happy enough with the act of the donation. 

This last one is important to understand. Donate with the understanding that you are giving out the Saturn energy. You are not doing the person / organisation any favours. Do not expect anything in return from them.

Saturn Mantras and Mantra Energised Protocols

There are several Vedic mantras that are related to Saturn and can be used for a variety of purposes. Here are some of the most common ones. We have produced mantra energised protocols for the mantras listed below:

  • “Om Sham Shanischaraya Namah” – This mantra is used to appease Saturn and to seek his blessings. It is believed to bring stability, discipline, and focus to the mind, and can also help to remove obstacles and negative energies from one’s life.
  • “Om Praang Preeng Praung Sah Shani Devaya Namah” – This mantra is specifically for the purpose of warding off the negative effects of Saturn. It is believed to protect against delays, failures, and setbacks caused by Saturn’s transit through various astrological houses.
  • “Om Hreem Shanaischaraya Namah” – This mantra is used to invoke the blessings of Saturn and to seek his protection. It is believed to bring stability, strength, and endurance, and can also help to resolve disputes and remove obstacles.
  • “Om Namo Bhagavate Shaneshcharaya Namah” – This mantra is used to honour Saturn and to seek his blessings. It is believed to bring wisdom, self-control, and the ability to face challenges with determination and resilience.
  • “Om Nilanjana samabhasam raviputram yamagrajam. Chaya martanda sambhutam tam namami shaishcharam” – This mantra is used to tremendously increase the positive vibrations of Saturn, at the same time dramatically reducing its malefic affects.
  • The “Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra” – Although not a Saturn mantra, when recited, it nullifies the malefic influences of Saturn in your life. 


The Advanced Beej Mantra 1080xProtocol available here.

The Advanced Sham Mantra 1080xProtocol available here.

The Advanced Hreem Mantra 1080xProtocol available here.

The Advanced Bhagavate Mantra 1080x Protocol available here.

The Advanced Positive Vibrations of Saturn Mantra 1080x Protocol available here.

If you would like to purchase all of the advanced protocols of Saturn, a package discount is available here, saving $46.

It is important to note that these mantras should be recited with sincerity and devotion, and are typically recommended to be repeated 108 times or 111 times in Kaliyuga. 

You can meditate with any of the energy fields of the mantra, through speakers, absorbing the energies into your vibration. 

Be mindful that when you are working with planetary energies, there will be releases that happen from your own vibration. The malefic energies of the planet(s), must exit through some means. 

Expect things like this to happen. This could mean things breaking down, breakages of items happening, bad experiences happening, conflict that result in emotional releases, etc. Let them happen. The energy is being cleared. Once the bad energies exit, you’ll find relief from these issues. 

The Hora (Hour) of Saturn

The Hora of Saturn is a division of time in Vedic Astrology that is associated with the planet Saturn. In the Vedic system, each day is divided into 24 horas, and each hora is ruled by a different planet.

The Hora of Saturn is said to be a time of hard work, discipline, and structure. It is a time when the energy of Saturn is strongest, and when we are most likely to feel the influence of this planet on our lives. Saturn is known as the planet of discipline, structure, and responsibility, and it is associated with the karmic law of cause and effect.

The Hora of Saturn begins with the first hour from Sunrise on a Saturday. It is 

During the Hora of Saturn, it is said to be a good time to focus on practical matters, such as work and career. It is a time to be disciplined and to focus on tasks that require hard work and concentration. It is also a good time to focus on financial matters, as Saturn is associated with wealth and abundance.

However, the Hora of Saturn can also be a difficult time, as the energy of Saturn can be heavy and burdensome. It can be a time when we feel overwhelmed by our responsibilities, and when we may struggle to find balance in our lives. It is important to remember to take breaks and to give ourselves time to rest and recharge during this time.

Characteristics of a Debilitated and Exalted Saturn In Vedic Astrology

When Saturn is debilitated (weakened), it can indicate challenges or difficulties in the areas of life represented by the houses it occupies or the planets it aspects. For example, a debilitated Saturn in the first house of a person’s birth chart could indicate delays or difficulties in the development of their identity or self-expression. A debilitated Saturn aspecting the Sun, which represents the ego and the self, could indicate a lack of confidence or self-esteem.

On the other hand, when Saturn is exalted (strengthened), it can bring discipline, structure, and stability to the areas of life it touches. An exalted Saturn in the first house, for example, could indicate a strong sense of self-control and self-discipline, while an exalted Saturn aspecting the Sun could indicate a responsible and reliable approach to life.

It’s important to note that the effects of Saturn, whether debilitated or exalted, can be modified by the other planets and features of a person’s birth chart. It’s also important to consider the context of Saturn’s placement and aspects in a holistic manner, rather than looking at each planet or aspect in isolation.

Saturn in Different Cultures

In ancient Roman mythology, Saturn was the god of agriculture and abundance. He was also the father of Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. In Hinduism, Saturn is known as Shani and is considered a deity of justice. In ancient Greek mythology, Saturn was known as Cronus, and was the father of Zeus. In Chinese mythology, Saturn is represented by the star Hsiu and is associated with the element of earth. In Japanese mythology, Saturn is known as Mimas. In ancient Egyptian mythology, Saturn was associated with the god Osiris.

How to Appease the Planet Saturn?

In Vedic astrology, Saturn is considered a powerful and influential planet. As such, it is important to appease Saturn in order to receive its blessings and avoid its negative influences. Here are some ways to appease the planet Saturn according to Vedic astrology:

  • Offer oil to Saturn: One way to appease Saturn is by offering oil to the planet. This can be done by lighting a lamp with sesame or mustard oil on Saturdays, which is the day associated with Saturn. This is best done within the first hour of Sunrise, on Saturdays.
  • Perform Saturn-related rituals: There are specific rituals that can be performed to appease Saturn, such as the Shani Homam (fire ritual) and the Shani Stotra. These rituals involve offering prayers and offerings to the planet, and can be performed by a qualified Vedic priest.
  • Do good deeds: In Vedic astrology, Saturn is associated with morality and righteousness. As such, it is believed that doing good deeds and living a moral and ethical life can help appease the planet. This includes things like volunteering, helping others, and following the rules and laws of society.
  • Be good to those that work to serve you – people whom you would consider to be lower on the social ladder than yourselves. Do not put anyone down. Do not make fun of others. Do not abuse others.
  • Observe fasts: Fasting on Saturdays, the day associated with Saturn, is believed to be a way to appease the planet. This can involve abstaining from food and water for the entire day, or just abstaining from certain types of food. Saturn accepts this as a sacrifice. 
  • Recite Saturn Mantras, or the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. 
  • Be Disciplined: Saturn likes hard work and discipline. If you’re putting in the necessary effort, Saturn will begin to help you. Focus on the effort, rather than the result.

By following these tips and incorporating them into your life, you can appease the planet Saturn and receive its blessings according to Vedic astrology. It is important to keep in mind that these are traditional practices and beliefs, and it is ultimately up to you to decide whether or not to follow them.

Spirituality Zone articles are a joint collaboration of multiple authors of different backgrounds and specialities.