The advanced protocol is is a full ‘Soul Path’ realignment, which will automatically re-align you to your Soul Path and Life Purpose. You can explore your soul path as well as this life’s purpose with this version.
The additional Soul Path energy field in the advanced version will cause changes in your life to re-establish you to full alignment with your Soul Path. What we’ve noticed is that you begin to see and know why everything is the way it is, and why changes are occurring for the sake of re-alignment. Everything begins to feel just right, with emphasis on ‘just knowing’.
After the first few meditation sessions with this protocol, we encourage you to begin speaking with the energy to reveal more about your specific soul path and this life’s purpose.
Breathe in this energy and surrender to the Soul. We recommend daily use for at least 21 days, and then once a week to keep you on the path, or as needed.