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Spiritual Techniques

Destroy Enemies | Energy Field

A human being suffers three types of miseries. 

The first is that which we inflict on ourselves.

The second is that which others inflict on us.

The third is that which nature inflicts on us. 

The first one is largely due to our own ignorance. We can control this by gaining self awareness. 

The third can also be alleviated through self awareness and spiritual practices like Kriya Yoga.

The second, we have little recourse over, without creating new karma. We can make changes to our own vibration so others react differently to us, however, we need to understand that when others take negative action towards us, it is ALWAYS due to their own inner vibration. 

You can cause people to respond to you through your vibration, but cannot create hate in their hearts or instigate them to hurt or harm you in any way. That is always their choice and their doing. 

This protocol is one of two that we completed in October 0f 2024. We, as a team, have been in two minds about releasing either one. 

We began researching and working on them in late 2023, in response to the many emails we receive from people asking about how to deal with people that constantly work to inflict miseries in their lives. Specifically, people that see you as their enemies, because of the hate they carry in their hearts. 

We’ve even come across situations where online bullying has led to people of all ages committing suicide. 

Technology has made it easier for us to connect globally, however, it has revealed a dark side to humanity, where so many evils go unpunished, and so, people find it easy to inflict misery on others. If this continues, society will spiral out of control. In many ways, it already has. 

In the last few weeks, I’ve had many opportunities to converse with the Mars consciousness. It has encouraged us to release these types of energy fields, to help people fight back. 

The Spirituality Zone stance has always been to burn off as much karma as possible, whilst dramatically raising awareness, and to produce near little karma, whilst also living a normal human life. 

We’ve never encouraged anyone to actively create more karma. 

From the standpoint of the soul, this life is but a blink of an eye, and the goal is to live through this blink in heightened awareness. 

Mars argues that if we do not fight back, or attempt to stop our enemies, their constant inflictions in our lives will only serve to to create blockages, as we are constantly deflected from our path.

I have spoken with the Spirituality Zone team, and we all agree, that humanity cannot continue to simply shield ourselves, or perform cleanings, nor constantly cut cords to hate, etc. 

So, family, we’re releasing the first of this type of protocol. 

When we sort out an energy field to deal with enemies, the divine mother – Goddess Durga herself, led us to this field. 

This one will produce zero karma for you. It destroys your enemies by delivering to them their own karma. All you have to do is utilise this energy field and have a chat to the divine mother herself. 

When this energy field is a part of your vibration, anyone seeking to do you harm, or even speak negatively about you, will automatically activate their own karma. 

How does this happen? 

At the very start of this article, we spoke about three types of miseries. The third type is that which nature inflicts on us. 

If you’ve been actively reading our articles, you would know that nature is an aspect of the Divine Mother, herself. 

So, when someone inflicts misery onto you, nature will do unto them, through this vibration. This way, you can go about your life, and let the people who seek to do harm to you, get punished by their own actions. And when a person in ignorance, is punished by nature, it can lead to their absolute destruction. 

How quickly this happens depends on the persons karma and on Nature. 

The good news is that you do not need to be concerned with it. 

This is a subtle energy, which feels like a lot of peace. I think it is because you are surrendering the burden of others actions to the divine. 

It is a soft energy that compounds. 

So, if you find yourself constantly in the receiving end of other peoples crap, do a daily meditation with this protocol for 3, 7, 9, 11 or 21 days. If it is something serious, you can do 40 days. 

Play the file, and speak to the energy asking for your enemies to be dealt with. You can say something like ‘Dear divine mother, I surrender all pain and suffering that others inflict upon me, unto you. I ask of you to stop them by delivering to them their due karma’. 

You can continue speaking about the mental angst their actions are causing you, or the emotions this person is triggering in you. You can tell her anything you want to about the situation. 

You do not have to know whom these people are. The Universe already knows. 

Just play the protocol, tell it what you want to say, then, let it go. Nature will do what she needs to, on her own time. You’ve done your part. 

The Youtube version can be used by everyone. We do have an advanced, more heavy duty, version, for situations where you tend to have a lot more enemies causing you problems. 

Playing the file 1 – 3 times per session, per day is enough. 

If anyone does anything to you, simply play this file, pour your heart out, and then let it go, knowing that a higher power has taken that burden and will action it appropriately.

Please note, at this stage, we are unsure if we will release the second enemy destruction protocol, as that one will create some karma on your part. Mars is eager for the release, however, we’ll seek more divine advice. 

Spirituality Zone articles are a joint collaboration of multiple authors of different backgrounds and specialities.