Connect With Inner Divinity
Awareness to one’s own divinity Is elusive to humanity. Many reincarnate hundreds and thousands of times to achieve even a remote glimpse of the awareness of the divinity that resides within.
‘As above, so below’
Most religions teach us that a higher power exists outside of ourselves. However, this isn’t entirely true. Energy shows us that ‘Divinity’ exists everywhere, in all living and non-living, tangible and intangible things. This includes within us.
Achieving this awareness is no easy task. Mapping the energy field that is the awareness of divinity within us, was even more difficult to achieve. It has taken us the better part of two years to bring this energy field to you.
I do want to mention that it takes Monks / Yogi’s many many years of dedicated spiritual practice to achieve the same awareness.
This is a very subtle field of energy. This field has a light purplish golden hue.
You work with this energy field by meditating with it. Find a time when you can mentally block out the rest of the world. Sit quietly. Begin with focusing just on the sound. As the file continues to play, shift your focus from thinking to feeling. Feel being in your body.
Then, hold this feeling. Just breathe. Let your awareness shift to an awareness that is beyond the character you’re playing in this life.
You may play this protocol 1 – 3 times during your meditation session.
As always, we recommend speakers to expose your entire vibration to this energy field.
For those of you more established on your spiritual path, we have an advanced version that is more potent and highest level consciousness of this energy field. It will help you go as deep as you can in awareness of your own divinity.
Stay Blessed