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Spiritual Techniques

Black Magic Reversal Protocol

Black magic is a term used to describe practices that involve the use of supernatural powers or occult forces for harmful or unethical purposes. It is typically associated with rituals, entities, spells, or curses aimed at causing harm, manipulating others, or gaining personal advantage at the expense of others.

Black magic has been a part of all cultural and religious beliefs, often contrasting with white magic, which is considered benevolent and protective. Practices commonly associated with black magic include:

  1. Casting curses or hexes: Spells intended to bring misfortune or harm to someone.
  2. Using negative energy forms: Channeling or summoning malevolent forces or spirits.
  3. Creating talismans, sigils or objects of harm: Items infused with harmful intentions.
  4. Manipulating others: Using rituals or enchantments to control or influence people’s actions against their will.

There are many more known black magic methods, and even more methods that are unknown to the public. 

A lot of the times, the black magic is being done by lay people who don’t fully understand what they are doing. They conjure enough hate towards someone, purchase a book, or join a forum and begin practicing. Although, they may not know what they are doing, there will always be some effect. 

Having said this, there are a great many people who falsely believe that black magic is being done to them. 

In the past year, we’ve had a great many emails where people have either been consulting fake psychics, or have been self diagnosing. In each instance, they are told that they have severe black magic done to them. 

About 98% of the time, we’ve found no evidence of any black magic having being done. How can we be sure? The energy of black magic, regardless of the method used, can never be truly hidden. There is always going to be easy to spot imprints. A true energy worker will always be able to see and feel these easily. 

Unfortunately, most people do not like being told that they are not under the influence of some malevolent force. As a result, we’ve copped a lot of hate and abuse. 

So, we’ve decided to release the most powerful black magic reversal vibration we could find.

Yes, it is a reversal, as this energy field will unwind the energy and effect of any black magic that you have on you, and send it back to its source. 

In short, it is nullifying the entire process, including whatever ritual might have been done. 

You do no incur any karma, as we’re not harming the doer, instead, we’re sending it back to its source, and any repercussions of that is their responsibility. 

Please pay attention to this next part:

If, black magic has been done to you, using any method, by anyone, you will feel a reaction the very first time you play this protocol. This reaction can be good or bad. It can feel like a release, or feeling sick, etc. 

If you do not have any reaction in the first listen of the protocol, then, regardless of what anyone else tells you, you are NOT under the influence of black magic energies. 

If you do not feel a reaction using the Youtube version, please do not purchase the advanced version, as there is nothing to clear. 

If you feel a reaction, continue playing the protocol, at least once per session, per day, sitting consciously with the energy. The energy field will separate the negative / evil energies from you and return it to its beginning. 

For something simple like the evil eye, using the file just once will clear it. 

For simple spells, use the protocol daily for 3 days. 

For more complicated issues, use the file daily for 21 days. 

If your reaction is severe and you feel that entities are involved, then you can consider using the advanced version for 21 days. 

It is of the utmost importance that you pay attention to any reaction you may feel on the first play. Again, if you do not get a reaction, then you do not have any black magic done on you. In this case, disregard what anyone else is telling you. Go live your life. 

The advanced version is the most potent form of this energy field we could find, and also has heightened consciousness. If you do use this version, you may converse with it about anything that was done to you. We usually recommend to just allow the process to happen, let it go, and let karma takes its course. 

Spirituality Zone articles are a joint collaboration of multiple authors of different backgrounds and specialities.