24 Powerful Mudras for the Body, for Health and Healing: with illustrations, method of use, and benefits
This illustrative guide outlines 24 powerful Mudras, outlining the fingers used, their elements, full instructions of use, and its benefits . The use of these mudras regulate the flow of the five elements in the body, bringing the body back into balance, alleviating the cause of disease, and restoring harmony in your body and mind.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Mudras
- Benefits of utilising mudras:
- 1. Mudra for Allergies:
- 2. Mudra for Asthma (2 mudras):
- 3. Second Mudra for Asthma:
- 4. Mudra for Anemia, Arthritis (including knee pain), Ear Problems:
- 5. Mudra for Blood Pressure (both low and high) :
- 6. Mudra for Diabetes:
- 7. Mudra for Eye Problems:
- 8. Mudra for Fever:
- 9. Mudra for Gastric Problems:
- 10. Mudra for Hair, Bone and Nail Growth:
- 11. Mudra for Headache:
- 12. Mudra for Heart Problems
- 13. Mudra for Kidney Problems:
- 14. Mudra for Easy Delivery for Pregnant Women (Same as above):
- 15. Mudra for Menstruation Problems:
- 16. Mudra to Increase Memory Power:
- 17. Mudra for Obesity, Cholesterol and Weight Loss:
- 18. Mudra for Skin Problems:
- 19. Mudra for Rheumatism / Arthritis:
- 20. Mudra for Spinal Cord Pain:
- 21. Mudra for Thyroid Problems:
- 22. Mudra for Teeth Problems:
- 23. Mudra for Uterus Problems:
- 24. Mudra for Mass Toxin Removal, Constipation, Skin Disease:
Introduction to Mudras
What are mudras?
Mudras are hand gestures, using our five fingers, which, when the tips are connected in certain postures, begin regulating the flow of elements in the three main bodies: physical, astral, and causal.
Each finger in our hand represents one of the elements, as detailed below:
Thumb = Fire
Forefinger = Air
Middle Finger = Space
Ringfinger = Earth
Littlefinger = Water
Benefits of utilising mudras:
- Mudras are very easy to learn and perform.
- There are no side effects. The body knows exactly what and how much it needs.
- Mudras can be used in-line with other treatments.
- Mudras direct energy to the specific area of the body that needs it.
- Increases the bodies immunity.
- Mudras can help both the mind and the body.
1. Mudra for Allergies:
Bhramara Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb, forefinger, and middle finger.
Sit or lie down comfortably, ensuring your back is straight, in-line with your head and neck.
Lightly touch the tip of the middle finger with the tip of the thumb.
Take the tip of the forefinger and lightly touch the bottom part of the thumb.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 10 minutes, at least once a day. It is recommended you do this mudra morning and night.
Helps to cure allergies, rashes, and even asthma.
Note. It helps to limit or remove dairy products to aid in faster recovery.
I have successfully resolved my hayfever issues using this mudra.
2. Mudra for Asthma (2 mudras):
Asthma Mudra
Fingers used:
Middle finger
Sit comfortably, ensuring your back is straight, in-line with your head and neck.
Hold both hands out in front of you, facing eachother.
Fold the middle finger of both hands forward.
Touch the nails of both middle fingers, and hold that position.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, three times a day.
Helps to cure Asthma.
3. Second Mudra for Asthma:
Suvasa Kosa Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back lineup.
Touch the tip of your little finger with the bottom crease of your thumb.
Touch the tip of your ring finger with the middle crease of your thumb.
Touch the tip of the middle finger with the tip of the thumb.
You may extend the forefinger out.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 10 minutes, twice a day.
Helps to cure Asthma.
Note. To aide fast tracking the healing process, try and limit or avoid the consumption of meat, tomatoes, and dairy products.
4. Mudra for Anemia, Arthritis (including knee pain), Ear Problems:
Aakash or Soonya Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb and middle finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back lineup.
Touch the tip of the middle finger with the tip of the thumb.
Extend out all other fingers.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
Refreshes and strengthens the body. Helps to cure knee and foot related pain. Cures all ear related problems, and also strengthens bones.
5. Mudra for Blood Pressure (both low and high) :
Maeo Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb, middle finger and ring finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back lineup.
Using the tips of both middle and ring finger, touch the bottom crease of the thumb.
You may extend out the remaining fore and little fingers.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 10 minutes, twice a day.
Helps to cure both high and low blood pressure.
Note. To aide fast tracking the healing process, try and use himalayan sea salt in all of your home cooking.
6. Mudra for Diabetes:
Madhanki Mudra
Fingers used:
Both hands and palms, middle finger.
For this mudra, you can sit or lie down, ensuring that your back is stright, and head and neck are lined up.
Join your palms together.
Fold in all, except your middle finger on both hands.
Hold this posture for 10 minutes, 3 times a day.
Helps to reduce the high glucose level in the blood and maintain normal levels.
7. Mudra for Eye Problems:
Varuna Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb and little finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back lineup.
Touch the tip of the little finger to the tip of the thumb.
You may extend out the remaining fingers.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for at least 5 minutes, twice a day
Sharpens your vision.
8. Mudra for Fever:
Pankaja Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb and little finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back lineup.
Start by touching the tip of both little fingers together.
Now, touch the tip of both thumbs together.
Ensure that no other fingers touch anything.
Hold this posture, for at least 10 minutes. Continue doing so during a fever.
Helps to reduce fever.
9. Mudra for Gastric Problems:
Vayu Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb and forefinger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back lineup.
Touch the tip of your forefinger with the bottom crease of the thumb
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice daily.
Helps to cure gastric and stomach problems. It also helps to cure ulcers in the stomach.
10. Mudra for Hair, Bone and Nail Growth:
Prithvi Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb and ring finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back lineup.
Touch the tips of the thumb with the tip of the ring finger.
You may stretch out the fore finger, middle finger and the the little finger.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
Helps hair, bone and nails grow. Helps to rebalance the body.
11. Mudra for Headache:
Maha Sirasu Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb, fore finger, middle finger, and ring finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back lineup.
Press the tip of your ring finger into the middle of your palm.
Connect the tips of your thumb, forefinger and middle finger together.
You may extend out your index finger.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
Helps to cure headaches, neck pain, pain around the forehead, face, and around the eyes. This mudra also aides in increasing the body’s digestive ability.
12. Mudra for Heart Problems
Abana Vayu Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb, forefinger, middle finger and ring finger
For this mudra, sitting upright will be more beneficial. Ensure that the spine, neck and head are all aligned in a straight line.
Touch the tip of the forefinger to the bottom crease of your thumb by bending it forward.
Touch the tips of your thumb, ring finger and middle finger together.
You may extend out your little finger.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 10 minutes, twice a day.
Strengthens the heart muscles, cures heart disease, strengthens the functioning of the heart and prevents heart problems.
13. Mudra for Kidney Problems:
Abaana Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb, middle finger and ring finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back lineup.
Touch the tips of your middle and ring fingers with the tip of the thumb.
You may extend your forefinger and little finger out.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
Cures Kidney and urinary problems. Helps to cure piles.
14. Mudra for Easy Delivery for Pregnant Women (Same as above):
Abaana Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb, middle finger and ring finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back lineup.
Touch the tips of your middle and ring fingers with the tip of the thumb.
You may extend your forefinger and little finger out.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
Pregnant women should perform this mudra daily from the beginning of the 8th month to ensure easy delivery of the baby.
15. Mudra for Menstruation Problems:
Garuda Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumbs of both hands.
For this mudra, sit straight in a chair, ensuring the spinal column, neck and head are all straight and aligned.
Open your hands and spread your fingers on both hands.
Face both palms towards your body.
Now, place the right wrist over the left wrist, with palms still facing the body.
Interlock both thumbs, with palms still facing the body and fingers still spread.
With this mudra intact, place your hands over your obdomen.
Hold this posture for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice daily.
Cures all menstruation related problems. Removes body pain. Refreshes the body from tiredness.
16. Mudra to Increase Memory Power:
Prana Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb, ring finger, and little finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back are aligned.
Touch the tips of your thumb, ring and little fingers.
You may stretch out the remaining middle and forefingers.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
Cures nervous problems.
17. Mudra for Obesity, Cholesterol and Weight Loss:
Surya Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb and ring finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and spinal column are aligned.
Touch the tip of your ring finger with the bottom crease of the thumb.
Using your thumb, press down on the ring finger.
You may extend out all remaining fingers.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day, in summer, and increase to 10 minutes, twice a day, in winter.
Helps with weight loss by dissolving fat, and lowers cholesterol.
18. Mudra for Skin Problems:
Boodhi or Varuna Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb and little finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back are aligned.
Touch the tips of the thumb and little finger.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
Cures skin issues, including psoriasis. Reduces body heat.
19. Mudra for Rheumatism / Arthritis:
Surabhi Mudra
Fingers used:
Forefinger, middle fingers, ring finger and little finger.
For this mudra, sit comfortably, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back are aligned.
Firstly, join the tips of the ring fingers with the tips of the little fingers on both hands.
Now, join the tips of the forefinger with the tips of the middle finger on both hands.
Keep your thumbs straight out.
Hold this posture for 5 minutes, twice daily.
Cures pain in all the joints of the body.
20. Mudra for Spinal Cord Pain:
Spinal Cord Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb and forefinger of your left hand. Thumb, middle finger and little finger of right hand.
For this mudra, sit comfortably, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back are aligned.
On your left hand, touch the tips of the forefinger with the tip of the thumb.
On your right hand, touch the tips of your little finger, middle finger and thumb.
You may stretch out the unused fingers on both hands.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
This mudra will alleviate spinal cord pain, back pain, hip pain, nervous tension, stress and insomnia.
21. Mudra for Thyroid Problems:
Rudra Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb, forefinger and ring finger.
For this mudra, sit comfortably, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back are aligned.
Touch the tips of the thumb, fore and ring finger.
Stretch out the remanining fingers.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
Cures hypo and hyper thyroid problems.
22. Mudra for Teeth Problems:
Miruki Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb, middle finger and ring finger.
For this mudra, you may sit or lie down, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back are aligned.
With your thumb, touch the first crease of both the thumb and midle fingers.
Stretch out the fore and little fingers.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
Cures teeth related problems. Also keeps the mind calm.
Note. This may cause the body temperature to rise. Please drink plenty of water.
23. Mudra for Uterus Problems:
Rudra Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb, forefinger and ring finger.
For this mudra, sit comfortably, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back are aligned.
Touch the tips of your fore and ring finger with the tip of your thumb.
You may stretch out the remaining fingers.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
Cures uterus problems, piles, and stomach problems. It strengthens the functioning of the spleen and pancreas.
24. Mudra for Mass Toxin Removal, Constipation, Skin Disease:
Thooimai Mudra
Fingers used:
Thumb and ring finger.
For this mudra, sit comfortably, ensuring your back is straight, and your neck, head and back are aligned.
Touch the tip of your thumb with the bottom side of the ring finger. It is the side that is next to the middle finger.
Hold this posture, on both hands, for a minimum of 5 minutes, twice a day.
Removes toxins from the body. Removes excess sweat, urine, and mucus accumulated in the body. Aides in curing skin disease. Aides with constipation issues.